My last book, published in England in 2004: High Priests, Quantum Genes, is being published in the USA by Inner Traditions, July 2008, re-titled: The Hermetic Code in DNA.
Alternatively, if you live in the UK and would prefer to see the original: High Priests, Quantum Genes, visit:
Hi Mike!
I just finished reading your book "The Hermetic Code in DNA - The Sacred Principles in the Ordering of the Universe". Truly a great read! Fascinating stuff!
Although I have already been into much of what you write about - the I Ching and the DNA Code, the Pythagorean Tetraktys, the Great Pyramid, the Pi and Phi, the Sacred Science of the Ancient Egyptians, and so forth - I have never before seen it all brought together so beautifully and so fascinatingly into one single basic formula, which you name the Hermetic Code.
Though you don't mention it in your book, you must of course be aware of the many other systems that fit perfectly into this universal code. Such as the Kabbalistic Tree of Life Diagram with its three pillars, four "worlds" and 3 + 7 so called sephiroth in addition to the 22 paths that link them together. This is also reflected in the structure of the Hebrew alphabet with its three "mother letters" and all in all 22 letters. And so, of course there is the Hindu system of Seven Chakras (plus perhaps the entire auric field as the 8th "note"), and so on.
Perhaps you have read the book by Martin Schönberger, "The I Ching & The Genetic Code - The Hidden Key To Life"? It goes into some detail on the parallels between the I Ching and the DNA.
By the way, I, too, was among the ones who had some (drug induced) extraordinary experiences way back in the 1960s. Everything seemed suddenly completely meaningful and harmonious as well as extremely beautiful (with a sort of inner radiance) and it was as if the "inner I" was eternal and unmoving while all movement and change took place all around (including within my own body and even mind).
Today I am 62 years old and I am still baffled and amazed by those unforgettable experiences. Unfortunately they were soon replaced by a lot of confusion and doubt that followed in their wake.
Like you, however, I have spent most of my time since then to try to grasp things and somehow arrive at some kind of understanding of what this amazing life is really all about.
Nice to meet you!
Hi Mike,
I’m half way through reading “The Hermetic Code in DNA” , and agree fascinating read.
While perusing your site I read Goaskin‘s previous post, and decided I couldn’t resist sharing what I saw in a photograph earlier of the front facade of Notre Dame cathedral. The quality of photo that I google’d isn’t so good, but it appears as though your hermetic code is displayed there in perhaps two cords?
Pi = 3.141592653589793... Michael Hayes' 22/7 equals 3.142857with the last six numerals repeating. The differences may seem minute, but in the world of the subatomic or in the world of creating worlds and getting life to function, I have an inkling that a small difference such as this could be very significant. Please explain. Thank you.
Reply to goaskin from Mike Hayes.
First my apologies for the delay in replying. This site was set up for me by a friend, and I didn't realise it had an interactive facility! No matter, I shall leave it open for now and see how it goes.
I'm pleased you enjoyed the book, and thanks for the positive comments.
I quote you:
'Though you don't mention it in your book, you must of course be aware of the many other systems that fit perfectly into this universal code. Such as the Kabbalistic Tree of Life Diagram with its three pillars, four "worlds" and 3 + 7 so called sephiroth in addition to the 22 paths that link them together. This is also reflected in the structure of the Hebrew alphabet with its three "mother letters" and all in all 22 letters.'
Quite so goaskin. I have discussed the hermetic content of the Kabbalah and the Hebraic alphabet in my first book, 'The Infinite Harmony'. I also point out that there are other recognisable hermetic creations, such as The Tarot, the Vedas, medieval alchemy, and many more 'esoteric systems' throughout history.
As I try to show in my latest book, hermetic influences and symmetries have pervaded the collective human psyche for millennia, and I fully expect them to continue thus. Even at its basic level of practical music (which is of course a hermetic creation) it profoundly affects all of our lives. But it is the evolutionary aspect of hermetica that strikes the most resonant chord in my mind - the idea that we as individuals can 'transcend' from one scale of being on to a greater scale above by 'harmonising' our inner faculties.
I won't go on. Suffice it to say that it was a pleasure to read a little about your personal experiences and inner thoughts.
Reply to heretic_hippie:
Thanks for calling in. Hope you like the rest of the book.
I will have to google some images of the front façade of Notre Dame and see if I can spot your 'two chords'.
Reply to adeewm.
You are quite right of course. There is a marked difference between the value of 'classical' Pi, 22/7 - and the value of 'mathematical' Pi. I have pointed this out in both my books.
The point is, classical Pi is not a mathematical tool in an exact sense, it is a symbol of universal harmony, of the law of three forces and the law of octaves. I think classical pi came first, and the quest for its mathematical absolute developed from it.
Personally I believe that computing pi to the nth number is a fruitless enterprise. It leads to infinity. But then, so, paradoxically, does the classical version.
Thanks for your interest. I hope I've answered your question.
Best wishes,
Perhaps bringing a conductor to absolute zero is akin to as it is said in the Gospel of Thomas, " Become a passerby". In other words, ridding self of ego as entirely as is possible.
Michael, are you familiar with Timothy Leary's 8-circuit model of human consciousness? I was surprised not to find it in The Hermetic Code in DNA.
Basically (for anyone unfamiliar) it postulates that the human psyche is structured of four terrestrial "circuits" or mini-brains, geared toward Earthly survival. Humans are now in position to begin to use the higher circuits, the new four which are geared toward extra-terrestrial situation (literally or figuratively??). It is quite lengthy in detail. Robert Anton Wilson deals with it at some length in Prometheus Rising, and should have a healthy dose of info.
Keep up the beautiful work!
Hello, Mike,
I'd like to mention a source that is probably one of the most "fringe" mentioned so far: a book known a The Ra Material, also called The Law of One. I am not a big believer in channeled material, but the events surrounding this particular influx of information is highly intriguing. I mention this because the entity apparently being channeled speaks in high detail about the "octaves of creation," and the various "true colors" of the rays of Light. I have personally never seen such a complex, yet elegant and understandable, explanation of the way in which evolution works.
If you haven't taken a look at it, please do. It added a great deal to my own understanding of the Hermetic Code.
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